By Souljas of Sorrow a group consisting of the CEO of Mobo Records,
Mobo Joe, was the song that caught my ear as me and my patna was cruising aimlessly and very intoxicated in New Orleans in the a.m. hours.
I used to love to listen to the DJ's on Q93 really late/Early in the morning because they didn't play the same garbage that filled their "Prime Time"
air waves. This would be the only time a song like this would ever be played...and it did...and I remembered it and sought after it.
This is one out of the two Compilation albums Mobo did to showcase their catalog of artist and give you a preview of up-and-comers.
The only thing I hate is the "Remixes" of the Ruthless Juveniles and Dog
House Posse songs.You own the Masters to these.Why not Take the Acapella and Remix it the way it should be instead of just adding other drum samples and weak keyboard synths over the existing tracks.
Beyond that, It's straight.
P.S. The Blogs Email is now on the title if you want to contact me about something.